奥克汉学校建于 1584 年,该校目前为 10-18 岁的学生提供寄宿教育,学校分小学部(the Lower School,也叫 Jerwoods,招收 10-13 岁的学生),初中部(the Middle School,为 13-15 岁的学生提供 GCSE 和 IGCSE 课程) 和高中部(the Upper School,为 16 岁以上的学生提供 A-level 和 IB 课程)。
奥克汉学校坐落在英格兰中部的鹿特兰地区, 在风景优美的奥克汉镇中心,生活便利,交通 便捷,小镇生活气息浓郁,是英国传统的集市小镇。附近有一国家级自然保护区,是英国独 有的鱼鹰栖息地,吸引着全国各地观鸟爱好者。学校距离伦敦希斯罗机场或曼城机场各 2 小 时车程,伯明翰机场 1 小时 15 分车程;距离英国最高学府剑桥大学仅 1 小时车程。
名人事迹:奥克汉学校是 2012 奥运曲棍球女子团队铜牌得主 Crista Cullen 和以“新 怪谭”风格奠定国际声誉的现代作家柴纳米耶维(China Miéville) 的母校。
学校教学设施十分丰富:有专业水准的礼堂,计算机中心, 运动场,图书馆和学习中心 等。该校的寄宿和非寄宿生比例基本持平。学校提倡学生重视家庭,并引导与帮助学生发掘 自己的潜能,培养兴趣爱好和强项,使学生能在未来的人生道路中更加自信和成功。
奥克汉学校有着深厚的艺术传统: 超过 40%的学生学艺一种乐器并参加乐器考试。至少 有 50%的学生是音乐社团的,包括有合唱队的,大乐队,演唱会乐队,管弦乐队等。戏剧: GCSE 戏剧,A-level 电影学习及 LAMD 考试。大部分学生都有参加学校的作品演出。一些作 品曾在 USA 和 Edinburgh Fringe 演出。美术和设计:80%是 GCSE,50%是 A-level,50%是 IB 的。其他还有设计,珠宝制作,3D 学习,纺织,版画,雕塑,摄影灯。
学校为孩子们提供多达 30 种的体育项目训练:其中主要有橄榄球,曲棍球,英式篮球, 板球,网球及各项田径项目。学校还可以给单项成绩特别突出的 13 或 16 岁以上的入学生提 供奖学金。学校有很多学生曾作为镇上的代表参加各种体育比赛。
课外活动:学生可以获得 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 的金、银、铜奖(从 1976 年开 始已经颁发了超过 1000 块金牌),同时还有其他社区服务的活动,俱乐部等,如计算机,家 政,国际象棋等。
Famous alumni
- Joseph George Cumming, geologist and archaeologist, Professor of Classical Literature and of Geology
- Horace Donisthorpe, entomologist, myrmecologist and coleopterist
- Peter North, Kt., CBE, DCL, Principal of Jesus College and Vice-Chancellor of Oxford
- John Henry Pratt, FRS, mathematician
- Rear Admiral Philip Wilcocks, CB DSC DL
- James Atlay, 98th Bishop of Hereford
- John Godfrey FitzMaurice Day, Bishop of Ossory, Ferns and Leighlin 1920-1938; Archbishop of Armagh 1938
- Leonard Hawkes, Archdeacon of Lindisfarne
- John Henley, clergyman, commonly known as ‘Orator Henley’
- Thomas Merton, writer and Trappist monk
- Anthony Clarke, Baron Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
- Lord Cope of Berkeley, Conservative Member of Parliament for South Gloucestershire 1974-1983; Northavon 1983-1997; during this time he was Paymaster-General 1992-1994
- Paul Filing, Australian politician (Member of the House of Representatives for Moore, Western Australia)
- William Allmond Codrington Goode GCMG, last Governor of Singapore 1957-1959; last Governor of North Borneo 1959-1963
- William George “Bill” O’Chee, Australian politician (Senator for Queensland)
- Charlie Bewley, actor
- Katie Hall, actress and soprano
- Andy Harries, UK producer, Left Bank Pictures
- Greg Hicks, actor
- Richard Hope, actor
- Richard Hurst, writer and director
- Miles Jupp, actor, comedian
- Jason Kay, singer (Jamiroquai)
- Matthew Macfadyen, actor
- Matthew Manning, psychic
- China Miéville, novelist
- Katie Mitchell, OBE, theatre director
- Alexander Newley, painter
- Alfred Young Nutt, Victorian artist and architect
- Malcolm Rogers, director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
- Kwame Ryan, conductor and musician
- Janek Schaefer, sound artist, British Composer of the Year in Sonic Art
- Indra Sinha, novelist
- Tom Wiggall, composer
- Tom Heap, BBC News Rural Affairs Correspondent (formerly BBC News’s Science and Environment Correspondent)
- Charlotte Uhlenbroek, biologist and broadcaster
- Charlie Beech, professional rugby union player with Bath Rugby and England U19s
- Matthew Boyce, cricketer (Leicestershire)
- Roderick Bradley, player of American football
- J.W.M. Bradshaw, cricketer (Leicestershire)
- Stuart Broad,England international cricketer cricketer[1] and England T20 captain
- Alex Brundle, professional racing driver
- Percy Chapman, England cricketer (captain)
- Josh Cobb, cricketer (Leicestershire)
- Rob Cook, rugby union player for Gloucester Rugby[2]
- Tom Croft, British and Irish Lions and England player[1]
- Crista Cullen, England and Great Britain field hockey player
- Arthur Cursham, England footballer and county cricketer (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire)
- Alex Goode, rugby union player for Saracens RFC and England Saxons
- Ron Jacobs, rugby union player, England International and captain
- Frank Jerwood, Olympic oarsman
- Lewis Moody, British and Irish Lions, England Rugby, Leicester Tigers and Bath Rugby rugby union player;[3] England captain
- Lucy Pearson, England women’s cricket captain
- Matt Smith, rugby union player, England Saxons
- James Alexander Simpson Taylor, cricketer (Leicestershire and Scotland)
- Charlie Walker, rugby union player for Harlequin F.C.
- Hamish Watson, rugby union player for Edinburgh and Scotland
- Alex Wyatt, cricketer (Leicestershire)
- Prince Alexander of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (Alexander Friedrich Antonius Johannes), next in line to succeed as Head of the House of Hohenzollern
- John Jerwood, founder of the Jerwood Foundation
- Thomas Merton, writer and religious figure
- Richard Profit, polar explorer