帕克林顿中学 - Icon Education

帕克林顿中学 - Icon Education

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帕克林顿私立学校成立于1514年,占地面积70多英亩,已有500余年的古老历史, 是一所在当地享有盛誉的贵族私立学校。距离学校十英里左右的重镇约克是最能体现英国历史文化的城市之一,朴素静谧的街道纵横交错,古朴的建筑诉说着悠悠历史, 每条街道都承载着故事,每座建筑都是古迹遗址。闻名于世的约克大教堂是目前欧洲最大的中世纪哥特式教堂。天王周杰伦举行浪漫婚礼的建于18世纪初的霍华德城堡也近在咫尺。



学校坐落于英国文化之乡约克郡的帕克林顿小镇, 具有典型的英国田园式风光,虽然精小,但一应俱全。欧洲中世纪风格的街道贯穿全镇,仿佛置身于童话之中。校园距历史文化古城约克市中心仅有12英里的车程,学校门口对面就可乘坐46路巴士直达约克火车站,乘坐出租车也仅需半小时。约克市是贯通南北的交通枢纽,乘坐出租车到曼城国际机场仅需2小时,到伦敦希思罗机场也仅需4小时左右,此外还有列车直达,交通十分便利。



名人事迹:许多文人名士都毕业于此校,如英国剧作家Sir Tom Stoppard 汤姆·斯托帕德(Tom Stoppard,1937年-)编写了很多电视、电影和戏剧剧本,曾斩获一个奥斯卡奖和4个托尼奖,以其睿智的对话、哲学主题、诙谐多样的写作手法及对语言的巧妙运用而闻名。William Wilberforce 威廉·威尔伯福斯,英国国会下议院议员(1780年至1825年)、慈善家、废奴主义者。Adrian Edmondson亚德里安·埃德蒙松,出生于1957年1月24日, 英国演员、作家,主要作品有《艾德在英国》(2011),《招待所的天堂》(1999)和《底座》(1991)。






  • William Wilberforce (1759 – 1833), British politician
  • Richard Wallace Annand (1914 – 2004), Captain
  • Prof. Mark Child, FRS, 1947–1955, Coulson Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, Oxford
  • Sir Edward Clay, K.C.M.G., 1955–63, Diplomat, High Commissioner to Kenya.
  • Sir James Cobban, 1920–29, educationalist, headmaster of Abingdon School, 1947–70.
  • Martin Crimp, 1968–74, playwright.
  • Alexandra Dariescu, 2002–2003, Piano soloist.[5]
  • Arthur Stuart Duncan-Jones 1890–1897, Dean of Chichester for 25 years, speaker on foreign affairs and on Christian attitudes to war.
  • Adrian Edmondson 1969–75, co-writer / actor of Bottom and The Young Ones.
  • Kyle Edmund, 2002–2006, tennis player.
  • Stewart Eldon C.M.G., O.B.E., 1966–71, British Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, Dublin.
  • Christopher Elliott C.B. M.B.E., 1960–65, Major General, commanded the 6th Armoured Brigade, Director of Military Operations and Director General of Army Training and Recruiting.
  • Andrew Farquhar C.B.E., DL, 1966–72, Major General, General Officer Commanding 5th Division, awarded the Legion of Merit by the U.S.A. in 2005.
  • Mark Fisher O.B.E., M.V.O., 1958–65, architect and designer of rock concerts. Chief designer of the opening and closing ceremonies for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
  • Sebastian Horsley, artist and writer.[6]
  • John How (bishop), 1894–1899, Bishop of Glasgow and Primus of the Church of Scotland. In the 1930s, he was Chaplain to George V, Edward VIII and later George VI.
  • Lord Moran, M.C. 1894–99, personal physician to Winston Churchill, author of The Anatomy of Courage and The Struggle for Survival, his personal accounts of looking after Churchill.[7]
  • Eillie Norwood, 1875–1879, actor.
  • Xavier Pick, 1982–1990, artist.
  • K. A. Pyefinch FRSE 1911-1979 zoologist and expert on brown trout
  • Robin Skelton, 1937–43, poet and literary scholar.
  • Frank Smailes, 1924–27, Yorkshire and England cricketer.
  • Sir Tom Stoppard, O.M., C.B.E., 1950–54, playwright. His portrait, presented to the school by Peter Stoppard (1949–53), hangs in the senior school reception entrance.
  • Peter Walker, C.B., C.B.E., 1959–68, Air Marshal, director, Joint Warfare Centre, Europe.
  • Rob Webber, 1994–2004, England international rugby union player (hooker).
  • William Wilberforce, 1771–1776, politician, philanthropist, and a leader of the movement to stop the slave trade.
  • Sir Dawson Williams, CBE, MD, HonLLd, DLitt, DSc, FRCP 1867–1872, consultant physician and longest-serving editor of BMJ (British Medical Journal).