沃敏斯特学校始建于 1707 年,由英国贵族第一子爵 Weymouth 开办,1973 年沃敏斯特学校 由两所当地著名的男女分校合并而成的男女混合的寄宿制学校。学校提供一个温暖、开放、 友好的环境,每一个学生都得到很好的关爱,学校以确保每个学生参与到各式各样的活动中 去。今天的沃敏斯特已经逐步成为英格兰西南部的众多私立学校的姣姣者。近几年,学校的 变化和发展非常快,学生人数也在不断的增长。最令学校骄傲的是,最近三年,学校的高中毕 业成绩及初中毕业成绩都达到了历史最高点。学校结合传统及现代的教育方式使其成为英国 发展最快的学校,也让来这里学习的学生能更全面的发展。学校占地面积 60 英亩。
沃敏斯特学校位于英格兰西南部美丽而古老的城镇-沃敏斯特,地理条件优越,靠近古 城巴斯,离最近的火车站步行只需要 10 分钟,离伦敦希斯罗机场仅有 1 个半小时的车程, 乘坐火车前往伦敦市中心也只需要 90 分钟。学校本身所在地处于英国西南部,是全英国最 为风景优美且历史悠久的地区之一,并且非常富足, 经济发展再英国占据领先地位,毗邻的 巴斯、布里斯托等城市是英国除伦敦外最富裕的城市,其中布里斯托 经济占到全区的 25%, 英国的硅谷也在这个地区,旅游业在当地也非常发达。
历史悠久,近 300 年的历史 ·出色的学术成绩,而且非常注重个人自我价值的提升
被“金融时报”评为 2003 年度全英私立学校 500 强。
- Thomas Joyce, One half of DJ duo ‘The Big Beat Manifesto’ known more commonly as ‘Mr Big Beats’. Well known activist for the Type 1 diabetes community at the University of Leeds.
- Thomas Arnold, innovative educator, Head Master of Rugby School from 1828 to 1842 immortalised in Tom Brown’s Schooldays, renowned for developing the model followed by most Public Schools, was educated at Warminster from 1803 to 1807.
- Guy Boothby, Australian writer, who in 1890 wrote the libretto for a comic opera, Sylvia, which was published and produced at Adelaide in December 1890, and in 1891 appeared The Jonquil: an Opera.
- Freddie Bartholomew, an English child actor, popular in 1930s Hollywood films such as Anna Karenina (1935), with Greta Garbo, Professional Soldier (1935) with Gloria Stuart, Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936) with Dolores Costello, Lloyds of London (1937) with Madeleine Carroll and Tyrone Power, and Captains Courageous (1937) with Spencer Tracy.
- Christina Chan, Hong Kong political activist, became known during the Olympics torch relay in Hong Kong where she held the Tibetan snow lion flag, and engaged in a confrontation with the pro-Beijing camp. She was forcibly removed by the Hong Kong Police Force, who claimed it was for her protection.[4][5][6]
- James Ingram (1774–1850), an Oxford don originally from Codford St Mary, was Rawlinsonian Professor of Anglo-Saxon from 1803 to 1808 and President of Trinity College, Oxford, from 1824 to 1850.
- Frederick Jaeger (1928–2004), a German-born actor, is remembered inter alia by fans of the science fiction series Doctor Who for his roles in three serials – The Savages in 1966, Planet of Evil in 1975 and The Invisible Enemy in 1977.
- Samuel Squire, Bishop of St David’s.
- James Vince, Hampshire and England cricketer
- A B Walkley, drama critic of The Times from 1900 to 1926.
- Robert Walter, Conservative Member of Parliament from 1997 to 2015. He has also served as Chairman of the Defence Committee of the European Security and Defence Assembly, established under the Treaty of the Western European Union.
- Martin Rickerd, British diplomat. He served in the UK Delegation to NATO and in New Zealand, the Eastern Caribbean, Italy, Singapore and West Africa. His career culminated as British Consul-General to the Southeast United States, based in Atlanta, Georgia (2005–2009)